This article in Russian: Контрольная карта перед запуском |
All product catalog entries have been entered.
All product catalog entries have been matched with entries the previous billing in the Migration application.
Product catalog settings have been verified by the Customer.
Settings of Product catalog entries have been verified by Latera employees, including the following items:
Billing period
Charging scheme (postpaid/prepaid/daily)
Service providing scheme
Service activation rules
Aggregation period
Archiving period
5. Each event has the following checkbox selected: “Cancel duplicate events” and “”.
All basic contracts have been entered in the system.
All basic price specifications have been entered into the system:
with the correct period
at the correct tax rate
in force
linked with basic contracts
3. All individual price specifications have been entered into the system:
with the correct period
at the correct tax rate
with a draft status
have remarks concerning individual price specification bindings to contracts to be made after migration
no errors have been detected while changing price specification status to “in force” during test migrations;
4. All price specifications have been verified by Latera employees.
5. All price specifications have been verified by the Customer employees.
6. Automated check for the last test migration has detected no service subscriptions with prices that failed to be determined.
7. Provisioning of each price plan type has been proven to work in the test environment.
Within the multi-subsidiary version, tests for each section are performed separately for each company.
Customers have been correctly grouped:
random checks for customers belonging to different categories (individuals/entities, by regions, etc) have been performed without any faults;
the number of customers per each group corresponds to those given by the Customer.
2. Customers have been subscribed to services:
random checks for customers belonging to different categories (individuals/entities, by regions, etc) have been performed without any faults;
the number of customers' subscriptions to each service corresponds to those given by the Customer.
3. Customers have access to Customer Self-Care Portal.
4. Temporary suspension and non-payment suspension services work properly (if they are going to be used).
5. The total balance of customer accounts for all customers corresponds to the one given by the Customer.
6. Random checks of account balances for customers of different categories have been performed by the Customer.
7. Customer statuses are completely accurate.
a. Suspended customers and those with the Suspended status retain the corresponding status after the migration.
For RADIUS (DHCP) workflow:
hard is set up as a cluster.
Test authentication and authorization is successfully performed (attention: should be checked on the production network with real customers!).
All IP addresses for access servers have been entered in the network service settings and in the FreeRADIUS configuration file.
New IP addresses are assigned from the source pool.
Real / fixed IP addresses are assigned by Hydra.
Services are switched on/off on BRAS via event execution.
Accounting packets are being received, traffic is accounted, there is no unaccounted traffic at the test database.
Watchdog is set up for all FreeRADIUS instances.
For Netflow accounting scheme:
Netflow data is forwarded to the collector server (hcd).
There are traffic class specifications entered in the system, and the traffic data is accounted accordingly;
Within the registry for IP addresses, all IP addresses used for dynamic assigning are entered.
All equipment for which traffic should be accounted is entered into the system (including provider equipment).
CDRs are rated properly (as per rating over the previous periods and reconciliation/checking).
Files from PBX are automatically stored in the assigned directory at the server.
CDR importing script runs periodically and performs the import.
Invoice export to ERP software is successfully performed by the Customer for the test customers. Importing script executes without faults.
Production database dump is automatically collected daily and copied to a safe storage.
The latest production database version with the pre-migration state is backed up and stored at the Latera server.
Auxiliary server backup and production database dump to the Latera server is turned off.
Replication is set up and is properly performed (should be checked at the backup server).
Payments acceptance via payment gateways has been successfully tested for faults.
Production certificates and credentials are used in hpd's configuration.
New customer connection process has been tested.
The plan of actions for all frequently arising customer support issues has been clarified (viewing PPP sessions, password changing, etc.).
Hardware server configurations correspond to Commercial Proposal requirements (CPU, RAM, storage). It applies both to the Customer owned servers and SaaS installations.
All Hydra's scheduled tasks required for system operation run without faults or warnings.
For all scheduled tasks operating with CDRs and the RADIUS server correct parameters are set up (Forced closing old CDRs, Deleting old CDRs, Processing session RADIUS accounting data).
3. Debug logging is disabled for all modules and agents.
4. The system servers have the latest stable versions of the following installed:
Core (database)
Web apps
5. All Debian Linux security updates are installed.
o install updates, it is necessary to perform the following command:
root@billing:~# aptitude update && aptitude upgrade |
Note: When performing updates, it is obligatory to review the list of updates in detail. There should be no unexpected updates of Hydra modules.
6. Server monitoring has been set up for:
free disk space
CPU utilization
other important metrics
7. Monitoring of the billing system has been set up and tested:
free space in HYDRA tablespace
important system tasks:
Closing and putting in force charge logs
Preparing charge logs for recurrent services
Obtaining traffic collector statistics
Monitoring customer account balances
Forced closing / deleting outdated CDRs
c. any CDRs rated with errors or unrated.
8. For Service Provider Console and Customer Self-Care Portal:
SSL access is set up
A reminder is set up for updating SSL certificate before its expiration
DNS records are set up and active
9. Default passwords to all services have been changed, including those
10. Servers within Hydra are completely ready for going live (should be checked for each server separately):
Configuration corresponds with the one in the commercial proposal.
All necessary services are working after the system restart (should be checked via reboot!)
IP address and server hostname are assigned
Firewall is set up and turned on:
No Hydra services are unnecessarily exposed
Access to Service Provider Console is allowed only from internal Customer subnets and Latera servers
There is no access to 21902 and 21903 TCP ports which were previously opened during implementation stage for connections from IP address
e. Valid timezone is set up, NTP time synchronization is enabled.
11. Customer Technical Datasheet is created and stored in Latera database.
12. An up-to-date Oracle DST version is used.
13. The number of customers is the same as per the License (active_users1 – total amount of customers in Active state, active_users2 – total amount of customers in Active state having at least one unclosed subscription, active_users3 – total amount of customers having at least one payment or charge in last 6 months)
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE num_HydraVersion NUMBER; num_MajorVersion NUMBER; num_MinorVersion NUMBER; num_Modification NUMBER; vch_Revision VARCHAR2(80); dt_InstallationDate DATE; num_ActiveUsers1 NUMBER; num_ActiveUsers2 NUMBER; num_ActiveUsers3 NUMBER; num_LicenseUsers NUMBER; BEGIN MAIN.GET_DB_VERSION( num_HydraVersion => num_HydraVersion, num_MajorVersion => num_MajorVersion, num_MinorVersion => num_MinorVersion, num_Modification => num_Modification, vch_Revision => vch_Revision, dt_InstallationDate => dt_InstallationDate); SELECT COUNT(*) INTO num_ActiveUsers1 FROM SI_V_USERS U WHERE U.N_SUBJ_STATE_ID = SYS_CONTEXT('CONST', 'SUBJ_State_on'); -- For version >= 3.5.2 IF num_HydraVersion > 3 OR num_HydraVersion = 3 AND (num_MajorVersion > 5 OR num_MajorVersion = 5 AND num_MinorVersion >= 2) THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SI_V_USERS U WHERE U.N_SUBJ_STATE_ID = SYS_CONTEXT(''CONST'', ''SUBJ_State_on'') AND EXISTS ( SELECT N_SUBSCRIPTION_ID FROM SI_V_SUBSCRIPTIONS WHERE N_SUBJECT_ID = U.N_SUBJECT_ID AND SYSDATE BETWEEN D_BEGIN AND NVL(D_END, SYSDATE) AND C_FL_CLOSED = ''N'')' INTO num_ActiveUsers2; ELSE EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SI_V_USERS U WHERE U.N_SUBJ_STATE_ID = SYS_CONTEXT(''CONST'', ''SUBJ_State_on'') AND EXISTS ( SELECT N_SUBJ_GOOD_ID FROM SI_V_USER_GOODS WHERE N_SUBJECT_ID = U.N_SUBJECT_ID AND SYSDATE BETWEEN D_BEGIN AND NVL(D_END, SYSDATE) AND C_FL_CLOSED = ''N'')' INTO num_ActiveUsers2; END IF; WITH charge_logs AS ( SELECT N_DOC_ID FROM SD_V_GOOD_MOVES_T WHERE D_END >= ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, -6) AND (N_SUM <> 0 OR N_ADD_SERVS_SUM <> 0)), payments AS ( SELECT N_DOC_ID FROM SD_V_PAYMENTS_C WHERE N_SUM <> 0 AND D_OPER >= ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, -6) AND N_MOVE_TYPE_ID = SYS_CONTEXT('CONST', 'MM_TYPE_Intake')), docs AS ( SELECT N_DOC_ID FROM payments UNION ALL SELECT N_DOC_ID FROM charge_logs), non_canceled_docs AS ( SELECT D.N_DOC_ID FROM docs D, SD_V_DOCUMENTS_SIMPLE VD WHERE VD.N_DOC_ID = D.N_DOC_ID AND VD.N_DOC_STATE_ID IN (SYS_CONTEXT('CONST', 'DOC_STATE_Actual'), SYS_CONTEXT('CONST', 'DOC_STATE_Executed'))) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT S.N_SUBJECT_ID) INTO num_ActiveUsers3 FROM non_canceled_docs D, SI_V_DOC_SUBJECTS_SIMPLE DS, SI_V_SUBJECTS S WHERE DS.N_DOC_ID = D.N_DOC_ID AND DS.N_DOC_ROLE_ID = SYS_CONTEXT('CONST', 'SUBJ_ROLE_Receiver') AND S.N_SUBJECT_ID = DS.N_SUBJECT_ID AND S.N_SUBJ_TYPE_ID = SYS_CONTEXT('CONST', 'SUBJ_TYPE_User'); SELECT N_VALUE INTO num_LicenseUsers FROM SS_PARS P, SS_PARVALUES PV WHERE P.N_PARGROUP_ID = SYS_CONTEXT('CONST', 'PARAM_GRP_System') AND P.VC_CODE = 'PAR_LicensedUsers' AND P.C_ACTIVE = 'Y' AND PV.N_PAR_ID = P.N_PAR_ID AND PV.C_ACTIVE = 'Y'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('{'|| '"active_users1": "'||num_ActiveUsers1||'", '|| '"active_users2": "'||num_ActiveUsers2||'", '|| '"active_users3": "'||num_ActiveUsers3||'", '|| '"license_users": "'||num_LicenseUsers||'"'|| '}'); END; / |