This article in Russian: Руководство по работе с системой ведения проектов внедрения

Starting to Work with the System 

Log into the system, and on the Overview tab you can see the whole event history: adding and deleting tasks, comments, files, etc.

On the left, you can see the project timeline and all the responsible persons involved in the project from both Latera and the Customer's sides.

In the upper right corner, click Edit My Details to set up your profile.

Working with Tasks

All tasks in the system are grouped into lists. See below an example of 2 lists — Preparatory works and The Billing server preparation.

Every task has the following details specified:

Click the task header to enter its description. It is obligatory to read it and proceed to fulfill the task.

Discussing the task is done via comments. Note that when adding a comment you can specify the persons to receive the email notification.

To do so, click Change under the text box and choose those to receive your notification.

Subsequently, all discussion participants will be notified automatically. Also, you can attach a file to the task.

You can set up email notification per all changes to the task, or vice versa, unsubscribe from such notifications with the help of the eye icon:

If the task is fulfilled, it is necessary to mark it by clicking the empty box to the left of the task. Sometimes, the task cannot be closed and is marked with a red box, which means that it cannot be closed before fulfilling some other task.

Note! A high priority is given to tasks which fulfillment affects further work on the project. Tasks with a lower priority can be fulfilled in the end of the project because they have no effect on other works.