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Config parameters

These params are used for connection third-party application to HydraOMS:

Fixed parameters

These params correspond to the certain third-party application and entity type will be used by running business process:

  • entity_class – integration type (e.g., billing_customer (Hydra Service Provider Console application), self_care_customer (Hydra Self Care Portal application), customer_care_portal (Hydra Customer Care Portal application) or other application name);

  • entity_type – entity type (e.g., customer, account, operator or other string value).

Dynamic parameters

These params correspond to running business process instanse:

  • entity_code – unique entity identifier or code;

  • user_identifier - email of user starts business process instance (usually the same as hbw_login);

  • initial_variables – additinal variables will be set while starting a business process instance.


The following methods need to be implemented for sending GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests to the HydraOMS backend:

def request_widget_backend(path, method = :get, parameters = {})
  request_params = {
    method:   method,
    url:      build_bpm_widget_path(path),
    user:     bpm_config.hbw_login,
    password: bpm_config.hbw_token
  if method == :get
    request_params.merge!({headers: {params: parameters.merge(bpm_parameters)}})
    request_params.merge!({payload: parameters.merge(bpm_parameters)})
def bpm_parameters
    user_identifier: bpm_config[:hbw_login],
    entity_type:     params[:entity_type],
    entity_code:     params[:entity_code],
    entity_class:    params[:entity_class]
def build_bpm_widget_path(path = '')
  URI.join(bpm_config.url, '/widget/', path).to_s
def bpm_config

GET and DELETE parameters should be passed as query part of url, e.g.: 

GET /widget/tasks?;    

POST and PUT parameters should be passed as body part of request. Request body's content-type is application/json.

HydraOMS answer content-type is application/json.

Proxy controllers

Proxy controllers are used as an middleware for requests from third-party application to HydraOMS. They check data send by widget and pass it to HydraOMS backend with adding auth headers and other necessary information.

# ANY match 'widget/*path'
def proxy
  method = request.method.downcase.to_sym
  result = request_bpm_backend(params[:path], method, permitted_params)
  if method == :put
    if result
      head :no_content
      head :bad_request
    render json: result
def permitted_params
def service_params
  %i[controller action path format]

Embedding JS

Here you can find an example of embedding HydraOMS widget into HTML page of third-party application. After external JS and CSS are loaded, HydraOMS widget will be initialized with application and entity data and then render() function is being called.

HTML page example
  <title>HydraOMS Widget</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="${hbw_public_path}/assets/hbw.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${hbw_public_path}/assets/hbw.css">
  <div class="hbw-styles">
   <div id='hbw-container'>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var config = {
      widgetURL: 'https://homs.some.domain', // hbw_public_path, important for WebSocket connection
      entity_class: 'crm_account',
      entity_type: 'customer',
      container_id: 'hbw-container', // Same as <div> id
      userIdentifier: '', // user identifier for Web-Socket connection
      locale: {
        code: 'en', // locale code
        dateTimeFormat: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm aaa' // date-fns format, see for more details
    var entityId = ...; // Set here id or other uniq value of entity, like customerId
    window.hbw_widget = new (modulejs.require('HBW'))({
      userIdentifier: config.userIdentifier,
      widgetContainer: `#${config.container_id}`,
      widgetURL: config.widgetURL,
      widgetPath: '/widget',
      entity_class: config.entity_class,
      entity_type: config.entity_type,
      entity_code: `${entityId}`,
      locale: config.locale,
      payload: {
        variables: {
          someInitialVariable: { // You can pass other useful information to process initial_variables
            value: 'initialValue',
            type: 'string'
    // If you use some kind ot SPA (Single Page Application), call this before exiting current page:
    // window.hbw_widget.unmountWidget();
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